AEC – LA is licensed by BPPE
Finding housing in Los Angeles can be challenging especially if you don’t speak English that well. AEC can help you with your housing needs by referring you to these residences:

Los Angeles
Newly Remodeled Units nestled in prime, north USC campus locations. The Series features masterfully renovated, spacious, modern homes. With four unique and beautifully remodeled buildings to choose from, there’s sure to be a perfect fit for your housing needs. Reserve your space today!
Address: 2595 S Hoover St Suite C, Los Angeles, CA 90007

Los Angeles
Element offers something you don’t often find in apartments near USC, or in student housing in general, and that is the elegant Townhome floor plan. The marquee feature of the Townhome is of course that each one is made of two levels connected by a set wrapping stairs encased in a chamber with epic ceiling height. It is something you might sooner expect to find in a DTLA loft, and yet it is conveniently brought to the USC market by Element

Los Angeles
The Shrine
Named after the iconic entertainment venue across the street, the Shrine Collection is both your home and social center, one block to campus and the Row, and steps to the University Village. Whether you want to gather around a fire pit or light up the BBQ, the courtyards come alive with activity. Choose among six distinct buildings, each with its own unique style and vibe. Life at the Shrine is where everything comes together.
Address: 3030 Shrine Place Los Angeles, CA 90007

Los Angeles
NOVA Student Housing
Nova Student Housing offers premiere housing to students in the USC area who are looking for an alternative to the busy, noisy and quite often, crowded dorm life. Our units are located within walking distance of the USC main campus in the quite residential streets of these historic surroundings. We offer Prime locations in the North University Park and West Side of campus.
Address : 1189 West 29th Street #1 Los Angeles CA 90007